By Wayne Allyn Root
My late grandfather is still to this day the wisest man I’ve ever met.
Grandpa had common sense. He came to America from Germany in the early 1900s, without a dime to his name. He worked for 20 years as a butcher. He saved up enough money to start his own butcher store.
He worked 16-hour days, 6 days a week for 40 years in that little butcher store. It became wildly successful. He became upper middle class. He bought stocks. The stocks went up. He prospered. He became a leader in the business community. That little butcher store paid for his two grandchildren (me and my sister) to attend Ivy League college- Columbia University.
One little butcher store with six butcher blocks- that’s all it took to achieve the American Dream.
Grandpa taught me the key to success. He said…
“There are only two rules in business. Rule number one- the customer is always right. Rule number two- if the customer is wrong, refer back to rule number one.”
Those two rules helped Grandpa achieve the American dream. He treated his customers like gold. He rolled out the red carpet. He sold only the best cuts of meat. He made sure they were always satisfied, or he gave them their meat for free. He knew without his customers, he was out of business.
This is why President Trump is a brilliant businessman and leader. This is why Trump’s tariffs will succeed and Trump (and America) will win the trade wars.
Because America is the world’s number one customer.
And the customer is always right. The customer always wins. No business or economy can survive without its customers. They call the shots. Even when they are wrong, refer back to rule number one…
The customer is always right.
American consumers buy everything from everyone. If we sneeze, the world economy catches a cold. If we stop buying their products, the world economy collapses.
Without our consumers, the economies of China, Canada, Mexico and the EU all collapse. They can’t win this trade war. We hold all the cards.
China has over a billion citizens- but they’re mostly poor-living in abject poverty. India has over a billion citizens- but they’re mostly poor- living in abject poverty. We don’t depend on China or India, let alone Mexico or Canada. We don’t need them.
But they all need us.
The third largest country in the world is America- and our 330 million citizens are mostly rich by the world’s standards. They have a high standard of living- the best in world history. Even Americans who are poor, are rich by world standards. They have disposable income, and they love to spend, spend, spend. We buy everything everyone else makes- electronics, jewelry, toys, clothing, furniture, fabrics, carpets, construction materials like steel and aluminum. We buy EVERYTHING.
Without the US buying, everyone in the world is up sh**t’s creek without a paddle.
President Trump knows this. He knows the rest of the world depends on American consumers buying their goods. He knows they can’t survive without us. That gives us POWER.
So, the rest of the world can cry, and scream, and huff and puff, and threaten to blow our house down, but it’s all a bluff. In the end, they can’t last. They will starve if we stop buying. They will all fold to Trump’s demands.
Trump and American consumers hold all the cards.
Here are the only possibilities that will come out of these trade/tariff wars…
1. We stop buying from China and the rest of the world. Their economies collapse.
2. China and the rest of the world eventually gives in, they survive, but we win.
3. Because they give in, Trump lowers tariffs on each country. But the money that pours in from even low tariffs pays our taxes, and Trump can use all that money to either lower income taxes dramatically; or end income taxes entirely.
4. Even if these countries give in, and we lower tariffs, the ball has started rolling in the right direction- we bring more manufacturing back to the USA. We create more jobs for middle class Americans. More Americans buy American goods. Our country prospers.
5. To satisfy Trump, Mexico and Canada secure the border. Drug trafficking is greatly reduced. And China stops the flow of fentanyl. Over the next decade that saves the lives of about ONE MILLION American young people. Those are your sons and daughters.
6. We bring the manufacturing of crucial supply chains back to the USA- like prescription drugs, antibiotics, and the computer chips that run our cars, computers, cell phones, appliances and military equipment- tanks, fighter jets, missiles and battleships.
7. And if the trade war lasts a while, and therefore prices do go up- remember, US consumers have a choice- buy American and save money.
8. There’s one more possibility no one is talking about. Any increase in prices can be eaten by China, or China’s American suppliers. Who says the consumer pays for the tariffs? That’s a scare tactic. If they want to keep selling their goods, China and the others will eat the cost, or ask Walmart, Costco, Home Depot and CVS to eat the cost (or split the cost). These tariffs may wind up costing U.S. consumers little, or nothing.
Those long-term accomplishments will supercharge our economy, keep us the strongest nation in the world, make Americans prosperous, save our children’s lives, and in the case of a war with China- keep America strong and safe from having our supply chains taken away.
Will there be a little short-term pain? Sure. But it’s worth it. “No pain, no gain.”
In the end, Trump is right- again. America will win this trade/tariff war. Because as my grandfather said all those years ago…
The customer is always right.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, businessman, best-selling author, and national conservative TV and radio host who has interviewed President Trump 16 times. Watch Wayne’s TV show “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV at Noon ET on Saturdays and his video podcast “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” at Untamed and daily from 6 PM to 8 PM ET daily. His web site is Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages. The joke is on Democrats!
The post WAYNE ROOT: Here is Why Trump’s Tariffs Will Succeed and America Will Win the Trade Wars. You Can Bet On It. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.