Mark Halperin has called the cover-up of Joe Biden’s mental decline one of the greatest scandals in American history.

Now he is once again calling on the media to admit their role in this scandal, which is undeniable. We all saw it with our own eyes.

Halperin suggests that the media will not regain their credibility until they admit that they did this. That is not entirely correct. The media’s credibility is gone. There is nothing to gain back. The American people no longer trust the media and there are so many valid reasons not to.

The media did this to themselves.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

EMMA RECHENBERG, NEWS NATION: Mark Halperin, political analyst, who’s joined us so much, so often on National Report, and we’re glad to speak with you a final time of the year, Mark. What do you think about this? CBS is finally coming to the realization this was a missed opportunity.

MARK HALPERIN: Well, Emma, you’re too young, but shaun isn’t to remember the old V8 ads. I mean, I don’t get it. The press now is, they’re not really acknowledging their role in the cover-up.

They’re not acknowledging that the story wasn’t happening on C-SPAN right before everybody’s eyes. And all of a sudden, it’s safe for them to just a little bit say, oh, we kind of missed this story, should have been covered more. I continue to say this is one of the biggest scandals in media history, maybe the biggest in America.

And for places like Newsmax, your program, my reporting, I don’t think we deserve a Pulitzer for reporting what we could see publicly. But I do think until the organizations that contributed to the cover-up come clean, they can’t expect to establish any credibility with the broader public.

Halperin goes into more detail and even ties this to the Hunter Biden scandals. Watch the whole thing below:

Halperin is right about all of this but he is still giving the media way too much credit. They will not even begin to regain any credibility until lots of people are fired and replaced. Our media is largely made up of Democrat activists posing as journalists and everyone knows it.

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