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President-elect Donald Trump is poised to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) immediately upon taking office, according to reports from his transition team.

This decision aligns with his longstanding criticism of the organization, which he has previously labeled as overly influenced by globalist agendas and insufficiently accountable.

Trump’s criticism of the WHO dates back to his first term, when he accused the organization of being overly influenced by China and mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic.

The World Health Organization has repeatedly pushed false and contradictory information throughout the coronavirus pandemic. For example, they originally stated that wearing a mask would not be helpful, before changing their tune to demand that all people wear them in every situation.

They also claimed early on that there was not evidence of human to human transmission of the virus. It turned out they were just defending China.
The information was completely inaccurate.

On the Illustrated Primer website, Yaacov Apelbaum shares the links between the Director General and China. For example, in late January, he met with China’s President Xi:

Apelbaum reports:

On February 15, 2020, the director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, addressed the Munich Security Conference.  At that time, there were only about 60K cases of Covid-19 in China and about 500 in the rest of the world. Tedros was more concerned with misinformation than with containment. In his address, he said:

“We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous.” And if we don’t tackle this, he went on, “we are headed down a dark path that leads nowhere but division and disharmony.”

“Given the misinformation about the novel coronavirus epidemic, WHO has communicated with some companies including Google to ensure that the public will get the authoritative information from the WHO.”

“Travel restrictions [to and from China] can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.”

“The lockdown of people is unprecedented in public health history, so it is certainly not a recommendation the WHO has made.”

“The WHO highly appreciates the tremendous efforts China has made to contain the epidemic.”

The Trump White House then ordered the intelligence agencies to comb through communications intercepts, human source reporting, satellite imagery, and other data to establish whether China and the World Health Organization initially hid what they knew about the emerging coronavirus pandemic.

Trump, in 2020, initiated a withdrawal from the WHO, which was later reversed by Joe Biden.

In 2023, Donald Trump released a video expressing his intention to withdraw the United States from the WHO.

The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam paid for by the United States but owned and controlled by China. When the China virus reached our shores three years ago, the World Health Organization disgracefully covered the tracks of the Chinese Communist Party — every single step of the way. For this reason, it was my great honor to terminate America’s relationship with the World Health Organization.

The United States was paying the World Health Organization almost $500 million a year. When I dropped out, I took it out of there. And for 330 million people, even though China was paying only $40 million for 1.4 billion people. So we had 330 [million]; they have 1.4 [billion], and we’re paying more than ten times the amount.

That’s typical for the United States because they don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Unfortunately, crooked Joe Biden foolishly re-entered the World Health Organization at the full price and without any negotiations or reforms. And now Biden is pushing to bypass the United States Senate to enter a pandemic treaty that would surrender American sovereignty to the World Health Organization. Again, controlled by China.

The draft treaty would require the United States to send vast quantities of medical supplies to other countries in the event of another the pandemic. And it would push aggressive censorship of free speech on issues of public health — just like they censored the truth about the Wuhan lab, which I said, “That’s where it came from.” Remember?

Under the next Trump administration, that treaty will be immediately terminated. I would not allow public health to be used as a pretext to advance the march of global government. That’s what they’re doing. Globalists. The United States will withdraw from the corrupt World Health Organization, which, in light of its utter failure on COVID. They had a tremendous disaster on COVID. [WHO] deserves to be completely abolished and replaced.

Then, I will work to forge a new coalition of nations that are strongly committed to protecting health while also upholding sovereignty and freedom. I want to thank you very much, but I also want to say this: I could have renegotiated the deal. I could have gone into the World Health Organization for $25 million.

Biden didn’t take that deal. He’s paying almost $500 million. They were so anxious to get the United States back after I terminated the agreement. They were so anxious to get it back that they offered me a deal – $25 to $30 million. And I said, “No, I’ll wait.” Could have gotten it for less. But I didn’t want less at that point. We were paying almost $500 million. Could have done it for 25 to 30 [million dollars]. Biden took the 500 — almost the 500 million dollar deal. He knew he could have gotten back in for less. So why did he pay so much? But that’s just one of many things that are wrong with our country. Thank you very much.

Now, Trump has reportedly decided to withdraw the United States from the WHO on the very first day of his second term.

Financial Times reported:

Donald Trump’s transition team is pushing to pull the US out of the World Health Organization on the first day of the new administration, according to experts who warn of the “catastrophic” impact it would have on global health.

Members of Trump’s team told the experts of their intention to announce a withdrawal from the global health body on the president-elect’s January 20 inauguration. The departure would remove the WHO’s biggest source of funds, damaging its ability to respond to public health crises such as the coronavirus pandemic.

“America is going to leave a huge vacuum in global health financing and leadership. I see no one that is going to fill the breach,” said Lawrence Gostin, professor of global health at Georgetown Law, adding that the plan to withdraw “on day one” would be

“catastrophic” for global health.

The battle over US relations with the WHO comes after Trump nominated several allies, such as vaccine skeptic Robert F Kennedy, for top health jobs in the next administration. However, Gostin said he was not sure that Trump would place as high a priority on an immediate withdrawal as some in his team.

The US is the WHO’s largest single donor, providing about 16 percent of its funding in 2022-23.

The post President Trump Vows to Withdraw U.S. from Globalist’ WHO on Day One appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.