By John L. Kachelman. Jr.

Today is celebrated as Christ’s birth. There is a good debate on the factuality of the specific day. However, there is no debate on the historical fact. And, there is no explanation for the impact of Jesus Christ upon the world except to say He is the very Son of God, One of the Godhead Three, miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a Virgin, shunned, slandered and savaged by the Religious and Political Elite of His time. He was beaten, crucified and died because of jealous greed. But death could not keep Him bound, He was resurrected on the third day with a message swiftly spreading through the world bringing the “joyous glad tidings” that His birth announced.

Jesus Christ is the Sovereign Ruler of the universe.

He cannot be ignored. He cannot be mythologized. You can choose to reject Him but your arrogance does not negate His impact. You can choose to scoff at His morality, but in so-doing you are forced to accept a savage culture ruled by totalitarians. You can curse His absolutism but then you are forced to accept an absolutism of terror. You are offered divine love but, tragically, you can despise that offer.

Inspiration states: “When the fullness of the time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman…so that…we might receive the adoption as sons and daughters” (The Bible, Galatians 4:4-5).

His impact is not restricted to a geographical region but is global. His impact is not confined by language barriers, economic status, or political position. His message is universal!  His impact cannot be ignored with impunity by individuals or governing authorities!

Jesus Christ has a historical impact on the world. His life, teachings, sufferings, death and His Church have seismically influenced religion, culture, morality, art, and social structures. From obscurity He has shaped civilizations and personal lives in transformational ways. His legacy cannot be truthfully redefined or reimagined. His influence cannot be erased.

The teachings of Jesus Christ on love, compassion, forgiveness, and humility significantly influenced mankind’s moral standards elevating man far above the beastly savagery in a godless culture.

His influence in music is amazing. The High Church musical compositions celebrating His birth are joined with songs, hymns, spirituals, and our modern worship songs praising His birth. Composers like Bach, Handel, and Beethoven created masterpieces inspired by the Sovereignty of Jesus Christ.

The ethical ramifications of Jesus Christ promote human rights, personal dignity and social justice. Because of Jesus Christ the world has enjoyed the abolition of slavery, the elevation of womanhood, and the personal civil rights of each citizen.

The emphasis on the inherent worth and dignity of every individual; the establishment of universities, schools, hospitals, and charitable organizations by Christian missionaries and institutions owe their energy to Jesus Christ.

The Western world’s governing principles are rooted the historic life and teachings of Jesus Christ. These principles stress that every person is created in the image of God and consequently has intrinsic value. These sociological principles melded citizens into a unity.

Unable to combat the Truth about Jesus Christ, Satan has duped mankind with various counterfeit belief systems. These counterfeits seek to offer mankind the security of biblical belief but with a mechanical ritualism and pretended devotion. Some manipulate Jesus Christ for greedy gain in positions, finances and even politics! Others wish to compartmentalize Him to specific holidays. But the devilish melodrama, seeking to dismiss and denigrate the Son of God, collapses and Jesus Christ remains the Sovereign.

Mankind must choose regarding Jesus Christ. The choice should be that He is “Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings.” This choice cannot be rationalized to a “minimal level.” Those seeking to follow Jesus Christ but enjoy the worldly pleasures will ultimately be challenged by Jesus Christ with these words, “Now why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (The Bible, Luke 6:46).

Just how much of a real impact does Christ’s birth have in your life?

From a hymn in 1905: “What will you do with Jesus? Neutral you cannot be; Someday your heart will be asking, ‘What will He do with me?’”

The post Kachelman: A Christmas Perspective – The Impact of Jesus Christ’s Birth appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.