Isaiah 9:6: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”

As we gather with loved ones to celebrate the joy and spirit of Christmas, The Gateway Pundit extends warm wishes to all our readers and patriots across the nation.

With the dawn of a new administration, there’s optimism for restoring integrity, protecting freedoms, and prioritizing the values that make this country exceptional.

This Christmas, we reflect on the blessings of faith, family, and the unwavering resolve of the American people. Together, we look forward to brighter days ahead.

From all of us at The Gateway Pundit, Merry Christmas and a hopeful New Year. The fight for truth and liberty continues—and America’s best days are yet to come.

God bless you all! May God bless and protect our president-elect, our political leaders, and the United States of America.

The post Merry Christmas 2024! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.