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As concerns mount over mysterious drone sightings across the United States, the government appears caught in a whirlwind of public speculation and official denials.

Amid this growing chaos, renowned ufologist Dr. Steven Greer has issued a chilling warning about what he calls an imminent “false flag” operation designed to mislead the public and obscure decades of clandestine activities.

The White House has sought to downplay fears. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby recently attributed the sightings to “commercial, hobbyist, or law enforcement drones, all operating legally and lawfully,” even suggesting that some reports were misidentified stars or aircraft.

Similarly, Pentagon Press Secretary Major General Pat Ryder dismissed the concerns as “not unusual,” despite admitting to drone incursions over military bases.

But House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) is less convinced, warning that some of these drones may be adversarial, potentially of Chinese origin.

Meanwhile, the FAA has imposed new no-fly zones for drones in 22 areas across New Jersey, with threats of “deadly force” against violators.

Dr. Greer, founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, joined Newsmax’s Rob Finnerty to deliver a dire warning.

According to Greer, the drone sightings are part of a larger psychological operation (PSYOP) orchestrated to obscure the truth about clandestine, illegal government projects.

Dr. Greer claims that whistleblowers, including high-ranking members of Joint Special Operations Command (JASOC), are prepared to reveal the truth. These insiders allege that secret programs have been reverse-engineering downed extraterrestrial craft and weaponizing advanced technologies, including electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons.

According to Dr. Greer, these revelations are set to come out within the next 30 days, potentially before the presidential inauguration.

Rob Finnerty:
What is going on out there? What are people seeing?

Dr. Steven Greer:
Well, it’s a complex story. To make it very succinct, we did predict this 30 years ago, that they would begin to launch some activity equivalent to a false flag to make it look like there’s some alien attack or threat. In reality, it’s a response to what’s happening, and I’ve recently told the incoming members of the administration this and people at the Senate Intelligence and Arms Services Committee.

We have a team of about six different black sites that have been running illegal projects related to so-called UAPs and UFOs. Coming forward in the next 30 days or so, they will bring forth dispositive evidence of this and the fact that these programs have been run illegally and outside of constitutional oversight.

This is a ramp-up to divert attention from that activity and could lead to some other events that would be catastrophic. This is a very dangerous situation.

Nothing people are seeing has anything to do with aliens or extraterrestrial intelligence. It has to do with trying to maintain the cover-up on a secret program that went black—illegal black—back in the late 1950s. So we’re into 65–70 years of some very dangerous operations.

Now, these men that are defecting are coming out of some sites I’ve been at. I was in a helicopter last year. After that, I was almost killed, frankly. We were over these black sites and saw the openings that go into underground facilities where there are the man-made UFOs that come out, but also where they have illegal electromagnetic pulse weapons where they target and down the extraterrestrial vehicles that are then reverse-engineered.

Rob Finnerty:
It sounds like science fiction. Let me stop you right there, Dr. Greer, just because I want everyone at home—I want us all to be on the same page.

You’re saying that we have the technology to shoot ET craft, not of this planet, out of the air, and we are reverse-engineering those aircraft?

Dr. Steven Greer:
100%, and there are multiple men coming forward. They’ve been with JASOC and Special Forces, who are also NOX, an unofficial cover in the corporate world.

One of them has been there about 29 years and is very senior and has all the evidence. They’ll be releasing the evidence and the information.

Now, this creates a dynamic because it’s happening before the inauguration. They plan to do it sometime between now and early January. I’ve been working with these men for about 19 months, and they’re serious, and they have the goods. They can prove what they’re stating, but they’re also going to unmask themselves.

They will come forward—their name, rank, serial number, and the whole history of this, including the illegal nature of some of these programs, which we don’t have time to go into. But they’ll curl your toes, some of the stuff that’s been going on. It’s quite illegal and very dangerous and horrible. The technologies—remember, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty requires that we have no electromagnetic pulse—

Rob Finnerty:
Dr. Greer, could you give us a quick summary? I’d like to hear some of the toe-curling details, if you wouldn’t mind.

Dr. Steven Greer:
Well, for example, they have been able to confirm one of our whistleblowers’ testimony—a Marine, Michael Herrera—who was present at an event. He stumbled across an event during a rescue mission after the Indonesian earthquake in 2009. He came across a platform, a man-made object, about 300 feet around, that was manned by covert human operators who were American.

They had boxed up and crated up humans that they were trafficking. These humans had oxygen tanks on this platform and were being moved to a black site for various types of human experimentation and use. It’s horrific, some of the actions.

The main operator from two of these black sites that I’ve been at—I will not discuss where they are right now; it’ll be disclosed fairly soon—actually had personal knowledge of that. When this whistleblower came forward, who was taken to the Pentagon Arrow Office and Senate Intelligence Committee, he approached me and confirmed all of it.

He said not only that, but it’s way worse than that. There are some really worrisome programs going on without the oversight of the President or the Congress, and that has to get corrected because it’s dangerous.

Now, all these drones and everything going on is both a diversion and an attempt to create psychological warfare—a PSYOP.

Rob Finnerty:
A PSYOP to distract us?

Dr. Steven Greer:
That’s really what it is, but it could escalate to something very dangerous. Yesterday, I was told that I personally might be arrested, that there will be a character assassination plot against me that will come out soon.

Video via Jim Ferguson:

The post American Ufologist Dr. Steven Greer Raises Concerns on ‘False Flag Operation’ Amid Mysterious Drone Sightings: ‘This is Psychological Warfare—a PSYOP’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.