The incoming House Oversight Committee Democrat Ranking Member has promised to carry out “trench warfare” against Donald Trump’s political agenda.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), who narrowly defeated Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to serve as the head Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, said in a statement that he would go all out to try and quash Republican reforms.

“We know what the Republican playbook will be,” Connolly wrote in a statement following his victory. “We’ve seen it before. They have demonstrated that they are willing to traffic in debunked conspiracy theories and enable the worst abuses of the Trump administration.”

“This will be trench warfare. Now is not the time to be timid,” he continued. “I promise the American people that our Committee Democrats will be a beacon of truth and prepared from Day One to counter Republican gaslighting.”

“We will be disciplined. We will be laser focused in getting results on the kitchen table issues that affect the American people the most. We will stand up for our democracy and for truth. And we will protect the tremendous and historic progress we have made as House Democrats.”

Connolly has served on the House Oversight Committee since he was first elected to Congress in 2009 and shares the same left-wing and progressive worldview of the vast majority of the Democratic caucus.

WATCH: Unhinged Democrat Rep. Gerald Connolly Declares ‘the Ukrainian-Russian Border Is OUR Border’

Following his recent re-election, he announced that he had been diagnosed with esophageal cancer, raising questions as to whether his health will allow him to successfully carry out the role.

“A few days ago, I learned I joined the ranks of millions of Americans. I have cancer of the esophagus. It was a surprise because, except for some intermittent abdominal aches and pains, I had no symptoms,” he wrote in a recent message to his constituents.

“Cancer can be tough. But so am I,” Connolly added. “I will attack this the only way I know how — with Irish fight and humor. With a great team of doctors, nurses, and medical technicians, we are very confident in a successful outcome.”

“Over the next few months as I do my job her in our district and on the Hill, I may be a bit fatigued due to the treatment,” he added. “I hope you’ll understand.”

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