The 65 Project was formed to harass and abuse conservative and pro-Trump attorneys – or anyone who stands in the way of the radical progressive left.

The 65 Project is an NGO affiliate attempting to disbar lawyers including 7 attorneys general, a governor and a couple of senators.  All, of course Republicans.

Common Sense Elections is using the Fractal Dark Money Tracking System, built in 2024 to track not only the immediate funding source, but show the connections to the thousands of Leftist NGOs in the Leftisphere.

Welcome to the 2025 Fractal NGO Project.

Leftist NGOs operate with tax-exempt money, undermining American institutions, interfering in elections, with no regulation.  These groups can attack some of the country’s most respected jurists, like Professor Dershowitz or John Eastman, and nobody does anything about it.

Leftist NGOs serve as a Leftist government extension – funding the Taliban, recruiting illegal aliens to cross the border and interfering in elections.

These NGOs are the central nervous system of the Left and when we stop all federal money going to them, we will impact their ability to steal elections.

In 2025, the Common Sense Elections team at its new micro site is publishing the funding sources, connections among directors and employees and other connections for these NGOs.

Here is a video of the funding sources and connections for the 65 Project.

Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, built the TSA No-Fly List and the insurance fraud systems for 70% of the insurance industry.  He can be reached at or Jay@Omega4America.

The post Who’s Funding the Radical Trump-Hating 65 Project? – Now We Know – VIDEO appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.