Tim Walz’s Minnesota.

Satanists set up their first ever ‘holiday’ display at the Minnesota Capitol Building.

“Hail Satan!” the Minnesota Satanists said in celebration of their display.

Not one Democrat disavowed the Satanic display.

Last year veteran Michael Cassidy beheaded a satanic altar in the Iowa capital over the holidays.

The altar to Baphomet was installed by the Satanic Temple, with approval from the Iowa Legislature. It featured a goat’s head on a red-caped mannequin holding a crimson pentagram wreath.

Cassidy was later charged with a hate crime.

The Satanic Temple of Iowa has put up a display in the state Capitol building.
The Satanic Temple of Iowa has put up a display in the state Capitol building. (WHO13 / YouTube screen shot)

The Satanic Temple last year also unveiled a “holiday” display at the Michigan State Capitol.

The post Tim Walz’s Minnesota: Satanists Set Up Holiday Display at State Capitol Building appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.