America’s Existence Depends Upon a Government of Laws, and not of Men
John L. Kachelman, Jr.

I could say much to express my utter chagrin at the way the Democrat Brand has raped the Rule of Law in our nation and then gaslight by their self-righteous declarations of following the Law.  The most irritating thing is the way Democrats have ignored, revised, imagined, and flagrantly scoffed at the Rule of Law that undergirds our nation. Instead of governing by the US Constitution, they boastfully rule by “phone and pen”! Everyone branded with “D” ignores the Law in favor of Man. Why? Their handlers/whips/leaders have them marching in goosestep! And there is not even a whimper from the dutiful submissive minions as they acquiesce to their political handlers. Look at their votes!

Listen to this head-scratching perplexity from one, long-ago, irritated by those who sought to damage our nation’s Republic:

“These are what are called revolution principles. They are the principles of Aristotle and Plato, of Livy and Cicero, of Sydney, Harrington & Locke—The principles on which the whole government over us, now stands. It is therefore astonishing that those who call themselves friends of government, should in this age and country be so inconsistent with themselves, so indiscreet, so immodest, as to insinuate a doubt concerning the principles.” (NOVANGLUS)

The perplexity arose because “friends of government” failed to accept a critical point: Our Republic must be “a government of laws, and not of men.” Such behavior (lip service to the Rule of Law but no action to uphold the Law) was an egregious position disrespecting the blood of Patriots and those oppressed by the cruelties of evil beings focused upon themselves.

Consider a slice of early American History

“Early in 1776, John Adams dove into constitutional deliberations in the Massachusetts General Court. He authored the proclamation adopted in January 1776 and summoned citizens and civil officers to constitutional deliberations intended to realize the happiness of the people as the sole end of government. Not long thereafter, he penned his “Thoughts on Government”…principles were that ‘happiness is the end of government,’ ‘consent the means,’ and ‘sovereignty of the people’ were the foundation.”

Adams’ philosophy of government is summarized with this critical sentence: “A government of laws, and not of men.” This philosophy emphasizes an unbiased system of governing. No favoritism because of status, relationships, political cronyism, etc. It was, admirably, a governing by Law not man!

The pretense of patriotism was exposed by Adams’ statements. Those wishing to rule by “Man” and not “Law” care little for the citizens. Their pompous acts highlight their delusionary elitism. In reality such are nauseating cretins destroying the government to feed their own belly!

In stark contrast to Adams is Biden’s quip, “America was built on the promise of possibility and second chances.” The immediate answer should have been, “NO! America was built on Law and not Man!” Supporting Biden’s imagined revision of our nation’s foundation is Leader Schumer’s rationalization that Biden’s actions are justified by “love.” Wow! Here is the “D Brand” embracing national governing by Man and not Law—a nebulous “love” is superior to the Law! Anarchy is thus embraced by the Democrat Party Brand!

If one is excused from heinous disrespect of the Rule of Law because of “love,” then look back at all people who were tried, jailed, or executed. Schumer joins Biden (and by association) and ALL Democrats in issuing a blanket pardon for despicable crimes and even treason! Adams would be aghast!

Adams’ philosophy (‘A government of laws, and not of men’) is revealing in our current political clime. Listen to one source:

“A government of laws, and not of men.” This statement by John Adams encapsulates the essence of a fair and just society, where the rule of law serves as the foundation. By emphasizing the importance of laws over the influence and whims of individuals, Adams highlights the significance of an impartial system that governs societies. Simply put, it means that no one should be above the law, and everyone should be subjected to its power. This principle ensures equality, protection of rights, and the prevention of tyranny.

“In contrast to a government of laws, a government of men would be based on the subjective judgments, biases, and personal values of individuals in power. This would create a system where rules are arbitrary, inconsistent, and easily influenced by personal interests. Such a government would be prone to corruption, injustice, and the oppression of its citizens. On the other hand, a government of laws ensures predictability, stability, and provides a framework for individuals to exercise their rights and freedoms with confidence.

“Therefore, the importance of a government of laws cannot be overstated, as it helps to maintain the social contract between citizens and their governing bodies. To truly embody a government of laws, there must be a commitment to upholding justice, equality, and the protection of individual rights.”

A nation’s foundation upon Law and not men is a nation emphasizing the divine pattern for civil governing.

Another source highlights bullet-points of Adam’s philosophy. Here are a few:

  • The goal of politics is to promote happiness, and this depends on the structure of government.
  • Happiness is the central goal of government so we ought to consider what is the end of government, before we determine which is the best form.
  • Virtue is a key ingredient.
  • A republic is the best form of government, a government of laws, not arbitrary rule.
  • Representative government is a core feature of a republic.
  • A successful republic must divide political power.
  • Power should also be lodged in an independent judiciary, which might check the other two branches.
  • A good government inspires the people themselves to be better.
  • “You and I, my dear Friend, have been sent into life at a time when the greatest lawgivers of antiquity would have wished to have lived. How few of the human race have ever enjoyed an opportunity of making an election of government more than of air, soil, or climate, for themselves or their children” (Adams).

The United States of America was founded being “a nation of laws.” This dramatically separated the United States from other nations. Universal awe is held regarding our nation because law, not people, rule! Everyone is governed by the same laws. Regardless of wealth, political connections, bureaucratic tenure, elected position, etc., ALL are held accountable to the Rule of Law!  No one is above the law; no one is excused from obeying the Law.

Our Founding Fathers rejected the tyranny and oppression of King George III. The British King was incensed that “his subjects” would dare assert individualism. He did all he could to punish those desiring freedom from Man and seeking a Rule by Law.

This historic fact is not isolated to the 1700s. It is threatening our current time!

A nation of laws will neither permit, tolerate nor excuse any person who corrupts the Law. It is amazing that the Democrat Party has given lip-service to Adams’ philosophy but acted just the opposite. The Democrat Party has elevated “Man” above the “Law.” It is not just a recent event.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared, “We’re a nation of laws, not of men and women.” He condemned one of his constituents for not obeying the law, but he violated his oath of office and terms of the Constitution, without penalty.

Attorney General Eric Holder directed prosecutors to pursue shorter prison sentences for drug crimes before new guidelines for sentencing had been approved. Rebutting Holder’s haughty disrespect was this comment by Judge William H. Pryor, Jr.: “The law provides the executive no authority to establish national sentencing policies based on speculation.” Holder believed the law is valid only when government officials believe they are important.

Barack Hussain Obama (who embodies the image of a nation ruled by Man and not Law) boasted that he rules by executive order with pen and phone and NOT the Law and his opinion of the US Constitution is that it is an archaic document needing replaced!

HRC’s historic weaponization of the USDOJ to persecute political opponents is the most memorable example of the Democrat Party’s sneering opinion of the Law! HRC’s deplorable character epitomizes the “D” Party Brand as exalting Man above the Law.

“The sad truth is that the United States is not functioning as a nation of laws today. That status must be restored, and soon, or our very freedom is at risk.”

The failed Legislators of our Nation elevates Man over the Law! Here are a few of the current examples and the list can be greatly expanded…

–House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) approves Biden pardoning Marilyn Mosby, who was indicted and convicted on perjury and false mortgage application charges.

–The left-wing climate justice group The Sunrise Movement, insisted the supportive reaction to the killing “isn’t shocking” arguing that “CEOs commit mass murder.” They justify anarchy as an inevitable result of decades of systemic inequities and climate inaction.

–President Joe Biden is commuting the sentences of roughly 1,500 people who were placed on home confinement and is pardoning 39 Americans convicted of crimes. The dysfunctional Democrat Party says, “America was built on the promise of possibility and second chances.” Biden, “As president, I have the great privilege of extending mercy to people who have demonstrated remorse and rehabilitation, restoring opportunity for Americans to participate in daily life and contribute to their communities, and taking steps to remove sentencing disparities for non-violent offenders, especially those convicted of drug offenses.”

The nefarious pardon of Wendy Hechtman, sentenced to 15 years in prison for causing surged overdoses and deaths by manufacturing and distributing carfentanil, illustrates the Democrat Party Brand’s arrogance. People were dying and overdosing; families were destroyed on a daily basis because of Hechtman’s choice. Hechtman was switched to home confinement and expressed that having her sentence commuted would be “an absolutely indescribable relief.” The Democrat Party gave her that “relief” as “Man not Law” governs our nation.

–The evil surrounding the J6—committee, Capitol Police, the Gulag

–Biden’s Federal Government Weaponized the ‘Bank Secrecy Act’ to Spy on Americans

Adams offered other insights regarding our nation:

–“A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”

–“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

–“The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing.”

–“It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.”

Our Republic’s existence depends on our nation’s choices. Sarte commented, “We are our choices.” A nation’s Rule of Man is a rule in an unaccountable society; where rules change from ruler to ruler. It is a rule of one political party, one person, or a group of persons ruling with the fickleness of the Party’s Rulers. The Rule of Man is the absence of a Rule of Law!

Our nation should applaud and urge our elected Congressional delegates to support President Trump’s objective: “We will now restore the Rule of Law for all Americans.” This is the only assurance that our Republic will survive.

The post Kachelman: America’s Existence Depends Upon a Government of Laws, and not of Men appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.