Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

Secretary of State Jena Griswold Once Again Off the Hook—This Time for Appointing Former-Dominion Employee to Oversee Election as Lawfare Against Tina Peter Prevails

Guest post by Tracy Wolfer Osborne

Tina Peters wants you to know she didn’t kill herself.

In her latest text to me via the jail messaging app, Peters wrote: “I’m letting you know if I die here, it wasn’t by my own hand. I’m not depressed and would never hurt myself or anyone else….Let the people know the truth. They can silence me, but they can’t silence the truth. Things are getting more intense.”

More intense, indeed. On Saturday, a three-judge panel—without reason or explanation—denied Peter’s bond, meaning she’ll have to remain behind bars while she awaits her appeal which isn’t slated to hit court dockets for another two to three years.

The rejection of Peters’ bond is just the latest example of the double standard in our two-tiered justice system that routinely and viciously punishes Peters while looking the other way when it comes to Secretary of State Jena Griswold.

Just last week, The Joe Hoft dropped the bombshell that Griswold appointed a former-Dominion employee to oversee Mesa County elections, and if the lack of response by the media and investigating bodies is any indication, it looks like Griswold is once again off the hook.

The article, also posted on the Gateway Pundit, revealed through a series of emails that in 2021, Griswold replaced Peters with former-Dominion Voting Systems employee, Sheila Reiner, giving Reiner the title “Election Supervisor” just in time to oversee the 2021 election.

Reiner, who is currently Mesa County Treasurer, confirmed in an email that she worked for Dominion from 2019-2020 and that the emails in the Hoft article are legitimate; however, she denied any wrongdoing, saying, “I have nothing to hide.”

And apparently that’s all you have to do if you’re part of the Griswold team—promise you did nothing wrong—and all is forgiven.

When the election records preserved by Peters revealed that Griswold had illegally and prematurely deleted 29,000 vital election records, no one opened an investigation into Griswold.

When Griswold admitted to posting partial passwords online for four months, DA Beth McCann’s office said they would investigate but told The Denver Post that Griswold was not the target of their investigation. What privilege to be exonerated from an investigation before it even begins!

Likewise, on Monday, Colorado lawmakers voted against auditing Griswold’s election processes.

And now we learn that Griswold appointed a former-Dominion employee to oversee Mesa County elections, and all we hear is crickets?

In Colorado, the scales of justice aren’t just tipped, they’re completely off their chains.

The post TINA PETERS EXCLUSIVE: “I’m Letting You Know that if I Die Here It Wasn’t By My Own Hand, I’m Not Depressed” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.