Guest post by Jay Valentine

ERIC is a Leftist excuse enabling RINOS and Leftists to control elections – done in a legal way.

ERIC must go!

Of all the NGOs infecting America, ERIC is one of the most toxic.

Together with our new, upcoming website StopFundingLeftistNGOs – and our current Dark Money Tracking System – we are outing ERIC and generating the light to get it shut down or shaved way down.

If you do not know about the scam called ERIC, here are the posts from the Gateway Pundit – with so much information it would dwarf this post.

Here is what ERIC calls itself on its website:

“The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization created by and comprised of state election officials from around the United States. Founded in 2012, ERIC is funded and governed by states that choose to join.

ERIC is the most effective tool available to help election officials maintain more accurate voter rolls and detect possible illegal voting. ERIC also helps states reach out to potentially eligible but not yet registered individuals with information on how best to register to vote.”

This is total bullshit and we are going to take this baby apart line by line.

We are going to be all over ERIC – with live data demonstrations in states where ERIC operates – and you are getting a front row seat to see our team and ERIC in the ring – let’s add more from the ERIC site:


The Fractal team ran the voter rolls for Alaska, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas (when they used ERIC), Utah and Wisconsin – and in every state we showed anomalies – like registered voters claiming to live in a Walmart, gas station or strip mall – by the thousands.

These were missed by ERIC because ERIC uses a crappy, 1980s relational database – run in batch mode – with about zero means of finding a voter living in a laundromat, gas station or empty parking lot.

ERIC and the Secretaries of State in every state share one attribute – they use 1980s relational technology to manage and clean voter rolls. That’s why the voter rolls in every state contain wildly anomalous data.

ERIC and every national voter integrity org also share that attribute – they use the same 1980s relational technology – thus they too, miss what we find with quantum-speed Fractal technology.


This one is not only true, it is the raison d’etre (reason to be) for ERIC.

ERIC is a voter registration system used in a number of states – a decreasing number – that identifies 16 and 17 year old kids to make sure the state does all it can to register them.

For instance, one might think ERIC would look at all hunting licensees, check if those people were registered, and have a program to get them voting. And one would be wrong.

ERIC does not want to get everyone registered, they want to get those registered who are prone to registering as a Leftist.

One might think ERIC would compare the DMV rolls with the voter rolls in every state – daily – to find people registered who are not citizens.

ERIC cannot do that because they have neither the desire nor the compute power to do so.

Our team, using quantum speed, Fractal technology, can take any state’s voter roll, compare it with the property tax roll, DMV database, the Medicaid and program database – run those comparisons, 24/7, on a computer that fits on your dining room table – no data center required!

Any non-citizen pops out instantly.

Voters registered at an empty industrial building are immediately flagged.

A voter older than Emperor Hadrian (as in the Roman guy) are identified when they put in that ridiculous birthdate.

That is how you keep voter rolls clean, visible, accessible to all citizens – and cut state computing expenses by over 50%.


Really? What is the cost of fraud?

What is the cost of elections where a large percentage of Americans no longer believe their elections are on the level?

What is the cost of thousands of voters, in 2024, who moved, whose ballots were DELIVERED to ineligible addresses – then voted, impacting 4 senate elections?

That is what ERIC and groups like them allowed – because the ERIC system is an EXCUSE NOT TO CLEAN the electioneering apparatus in the states.

ERIC cannot be real time or close to it. There is latency in its system that would never be allowed in a corporate database system.

A person can move 6 months before an election, to Mars, and fill out forms with the Postal Service for Elon Musk to send their mail on the next Mars landing vehicle, and ERIC does not catch it. ERIC let’s them get a mail-in ballot, vote it, from their swing state, have it counted – and nobody knows that person is long gone.

So who voted for them?

Multiply that by the tens of thousands in every 2024 swing state and over 2 dozen House races across the country.

We know because we run that comparison data in the 2024 swing states – and ERIC allowed this to happen in every one of them. Deliberate perhaps?

Well, we are here to “out” this with head-to-head comparisons of ERIC voter rolls vs. the same voter rolls with Fractal reconciliation.

When you see your state’s voter rolls, before – using ERIC, then AFTER, using Fractal quantum-speed technology – and the BEFORE missed 143,000 registered voters – on the 2024 official voter roll in Colorado, where the zip code did not match the city – and 100% of all ballots are mail-in – even the Leftists choke.

We did that!

Let me take you through some of this.

ERIC is to a Secretary of State who uses it, like Raffensperger in Georgia, the state of Utah, Texas up to 2024, and a host of other states – ERIC is a convenient excuse to claim to have an active computer system, monitoring voter rolls and thus applying best practices to voter integrity.


Well, our team ran those voter rolls in a bunch of ERIC states.

What we found in Wisconsin were over 20,000 voters using the same phone number – for decades. No peep from ERIC.

We found a Wisconsin voter whose voter ID was an apostrophe – got by ERIC.

We found in Missouri, when they used ERIC, 41,000 inactive voters who were changed to active, voted, then changed back.

In Texas, when they used ERIC, we found thousands of people living in a UPS Box or Postal Box – just blew by ERIC.

Here’s a little video of 6,000 Texas voters, from the official voter roll, when they used ERIC – whose address is a P.O. Box, UPS location or other place without bedrooms.

This is not for all of Texas – this is just for 5 counties. ERIC missed every one of these:

The poster child for ERIC is Georgia claiming some of the best voter rolls in America. Let’s see how clean those rolls are.

Here is a pass of the 2020 voter roll – the very year when Raffensperger, their Secretary of State said he stood behind ERIC.

As this little video shows, ERIC could not ferret out voters, who registered in that very year – and the Georgia Secretary of State entered their age as over 200 years old.

This is stuff even the obsolete technology of ERIC should catch, but does not. When we get to voters whose ballots were counted in Georgia, yet they were not on the voter roll – that too blew by ERIC.

Why are we showing this to you?

We are challenging ERIC in a big way in 2025.

We have the voter rolls for almost every ERIC state – maybe all of them since the numbers do change from time to time.

We are doing Fractal analysis of these states’ voter rolls and publishing the enormous set of anomalies – think 10% to 20% of the entire voter roll – ERIC currently misses.

As we did in 2023, we are doing videos and posting them on the upcoming site StopFundingLeftistNGOs which ought to be up and kicking in about a week.

StopFundingLeftistNGOs is a site dedicated to OUTING these NGOs, who work together to undermine American values, are funded by European and Chinese Leftists, and operate in plain sight – hidden in intractable databases.

No more – our Dark Money Tracking System is all over them.

The videos are new and fresh with 2024 election data in them – including some data autopsies of swing states where senate elections were stolen under the noses of the RNC’s 200,000 poll watchers.

This analysis gives legislators black and white proof, more gold and beige which are the Fractal screen colors – proof that ERIC is bullshitting citizens of states like Utah, Georgia and the rest.

ERIC finds about zip fraud. They stop about zero anomalies.

ERIC is close to useless – unless of course, ERIC is not there to find anomalies – it’s there for a different purpose.

For over a decade, ERIC thrived because nobody could do a side-by-side analysis showing what ERIC misses.

Well, we can and we have with our Fractal videos.

Not only does ERIC miss about everything askew in voter databases, nobody knows where they live. Who the hell is ERIC?

The Alabama Secretary of State stopped by ERIC’s address and nobody was home. Here, read the press release. Here’s what he found:

We sent ERIC a challenge letter at the mailing address on their website – check out the return letter:

So the Alabama Secretary of State visits and the place is empty.

They do not get mail there – and yet over 2 dozen states have their entire voter roll in the hands of ERIC.

We are going to let the legislature know in every state where ERIC operates – with proof via undeniable comparison videos showing what they miss.

We are going to make it our business in 2025 to “out” ERIC and many other NGOs because we are the only ones with the technology to do it.

In 2026, the Left is planning on recapturing the House of Representatives.

We are raising money to run Fractal in every competitive house seat for 2026, starting in mid 2025 – to not only thwart the Left – but to win a larger majority.

We are raising the funding at the Common Sense Elections site.

Please follow us here on Substack and on the new site, (you will get the first link next week or 10 days) and follow us there.


Hundreds of requests came in for us to post more videos and we are certainly going to do so – but they will be new, fresh and will hit the 2024 numbers.

We know from our work in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that the senate elections were stolen – or in Pennsylvania they came pretty close.

Our focus is on showing the data in live videos so it cannot be denied – and our target will remain ERIC.

Not only were elections stolen in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, they were stolen by LEGAL ballots, sent to LEGAL addresses, to LEGAL voters at INELIGIBLE addresses.

Every one was missed by ERIC – causing 4 Senate seats and likely 11 House seats to be lost – and we are going to show America how they did it and how ERIC missed it.

Those ineligible ballots may have been invisible to ERIC but they aren’t invisible to us.


Omega4America is a Substack newsletter about the application of advanced, quantum speed technology to government rolls. Portions of our proceeds are given to animal rescue charities.

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The post Time To Dump ERIC. Here’s How It’s Done appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.