Journalist Mark Halperin appeared on the Jesse Watters show on FOX News this week and talked about the cover-up of Joe Biden’s mental decline, calling it one of the biggest scandals in history.

Halperin claims Democrats and the media knew what Biden’s mental state is like but did not talk about it for fear that the news would help Trump get reelected.

He suggests that any Democrats who are angry about this now, need to acknowledge that they were complicit in their silence on this issue.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

But I will say that the donors and the Democratic officials who are now so outraged about the conduct, as you said, the press knew all this, so did they. They stood silent when Joe Biden’s operatives crushed Bobby Kennedy and Dean Phillips and rigged the rules. They stood silent as he stayed in the race and decided he was going to run for another term. They stood silent when Kamala Harris was given the nomination without a shot being fired.

So I get why they’re mad at Joe Biden, but I think a lot of them need to turn the clock back and imagine what they might have done differently and Joe Biden, then might be in a place to raise the money.

So I do think he’ll raise some money, but as I said, he’s never been a good fundraiser. It’s the kind of work he doesn’t like to do, and these donors blame him more than themselves.

WATTERS: Well, why didn’t Chuck Todd say anything when he had a show, Mark? All of a sudden he doesn’t have a show, and Joe lost, and now he’s screaming from the rooftop about this and that. Why do they do that, these people?

HALPERIN: You know, I saw Joe Biden’s mental acuity decline in 2017 and I talked about it on a regular basis. I can’t explain it. It’s some combination of Trump derangement syndrome and not wanting to be ostracized for doing anything that might help Donald Trump win.

And of course, the irony is, the reason Joe Biden is left in the position he’s in, the reason Donald Trump was re-elected, there are plenty of reasons, but a big reason is the silence in the media. I’ve called this before. I think it’s one of the biggest scandals of any sort in American history, and certainly one of the biggest media scandals, because people say, oh, they didn’t see behind-the-scenes.

All you needed was a C-SPAN subscription to know that there was a level of mental decline and they stood silent.

Watch the video below:

Everyone knows Halperin is right about this. They all knew. They only spoke up when it became impossible to hide after Biden’s disastrous performance in the June debate with Trump.

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