The night was November 5th, 2024. Political prisoner Enrique Tarrio lay flat on the floor of a solitary jail cell in Mississippi with his ear pressed to the bottom of the door.

The night turned into the early morning hours of November 6th. Tarrio waited breathlessly, listening to the noises of faint radio broadcasts.

Around 1:00 AM, the news projected Donald Trump won Pennsylvania.

Tarrio took a full breath of the air coming under the door of his tiny cell. Oxygen. Hope.

In the rural Mississippi prison, surrounded by Trump-supporting guards and inmates, Tarrio heard chants of “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” begin to echo through the halls of the facility.

Tarrio took another deep breath. Redemption.

He closed his eyes, falling asleep on the floor. His subconscious remembered.

Enrique Tarrio is one of hundreds of Trump supporters languishing in prison.

“I hereby sentence you to 22 years in prison.”

The Dishonorable Judge Kelly’s gavel came down with a thunderous bang, reverberating throughout the courtroom. It is September 6th, 2023. The Proud Boys are being sentenced in the DC Kangaroo Court.

Biden’s Department of Injustice asked the judge for Tarrio’s head on a silver platter- a 33 year sentence. Tarrio’s guilty verdict was their key to connecting Trump to the Proud Boys in his DC case. The judge gave Tarrio 22 years.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Enrique Tarrio watches as the criminal federal prosecutor and Dishonorable Judge Timothy Kelly conspire to destroy his life. 

Tarrio’s family members gasped in shock as the judge handed down the unprecedented sentence. His mother Zuny started crying. Yet, Tarrio smiled—calm, collected, a mask of reassurance for his loved ones. But behind his stoic façade, the weight of an unimaginable reality began to sink in.

This is Enrique Tarrio’s story- a tee shirt designer and podcaster from Miami, Florida- literally framed for “insurrection” by the government of the United States of America.

It’s a story of unprecedented political persecution in the United States, of injustice wielded as a weapon under the Biden Regime, and of a man whose resolve has been tested at every turn. It’s a tale of faith, endurance, and blind hope in the face of unimaginable evil—a modern political prisoner navigating a system designed to crush his spirit and silence other Americans fearful the same may happen to them.

Tarrio and four of his drinking buddies- all accused and convicted in the DC Kangaroo Court of “Seditious Conspiracy”.

Tarrio had not even been in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, yet his prosecutors falsely alleged he was the mastermind behind an imaginary insurrection…his trial was marred by biased jurors, entrapment, suppressed evidence, confidential human sources and rats, and relentless lies from far-left federal prosecutors.

When they first charged him, the Feds had tried to get Tarrio to incriminate President Donald Trump in exchange for his freedom. Tarrio refused and took his chances against the Department of Justice. 

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

After his sentencing hearing, Enrique was taken back to the same small jail cell he had occupied for six grueling months in pre-trial solitary confinement. If there was any solace in the moment to be found, it was in the faint hope that a federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) “permanent” facility might offer better conditions than the harshness of the infamous DC Gulag, a jail the Biden Regime has used as a holding facility to torture the political hostages of January 6th.

Tarrio hoped he would be moved to a prison where he could have a daily routine and more rights than he was afforded at DC Gulag. Perhaps he could step outside once a day, feel the warmth of the sun on his face and take a few gulps of fresh air, and rediscover a sliver of humanity.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by sending prayers or donating HERE.

After his sentencing, Tarrio was transported to a remote federal prison atop a mountain in Kentucky- far away from his home city of Miami. There, he began adjusting to life as a political prisoner—sentenced not for acts of violence, but of guilt by association- as Chairman of the demonized “Proud Boys”, a group the Biden Regime used as a scapegoat for January 6th in its diabolical quest to incriminate President Trump. Tarrio, the chairman of the drinking fraternity, is an Afro-Cuban. Yet, the Regime and their minions in the mainstream media convinced the public that the group are “white supremacists and racists”. Furthermore, the Regime pushed the ridiculous conspiracy theory that a drinking fraternity of middle aged men somehow masterminded an “insurrection” to overthrow the government, equipped with beer cans and bullhorns.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Tarrio and his best friend Joe Biggs were both convicted of “Seditious Conspiracy”. Biggs was convicted after going to protest on J6 with a bullhorn and a case of beers to drink at a rock concert afterwards. Tarrio was not in DC.

Thoughts raced through Tarrio’s head in his new cell in Kentucky- disbelief at the thought of being a real life political prisoner and fears that his friends and family would move on in their lives without him.

Friends reached out, family reached out, even media reached out…but as days turn to weeks, and weeks turn to months, he began to feel like the world on the outside had forgotten him. Forgotten he was a political prisoner. Forgotten that he existed.

The Biden Regime had locked him up and thrown away the key.

Tarrio was haunted by deep feelings of betrayal at the federal agents, rats, and “Confidential Human Sources” who had infiltrated the Proud Boy fraternity and set him up. But more than anything, he felt betrayed by the country he loved so much.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Tarrio’s three fellow drinking buddies, armed with their dangerous bullhorns, smiles and American flags, ready for the alleged “insurrection”.

Tarrio told the Gateway Pundit over a year ago that while he was bitter beyond words at the government that betrayed him, he would never give up hope and believed he would be freed one day.

His only hope? That President Trump would return to office and right these wrongs.

During the year following his sentencing, Tarrio desperately found ways to cope. At his first Kentucky prison after sentencing, he found peace training service dogs for disabled people, a purpose that brought moments of meaning amidst the bleakness of Biden’s reign of terror. He received letters from Americans following his trial, sending prayers and kind words. But the world outside moved on, and over time, he began to feel forgotten—just another “J6 prisoner” lost in the shuffle of headlines and news cycles.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Tarrio’s first stop- FCI Manchester in Manchester, KY.

Then, one day in September of 2024, two months before the 2024 election, Tarrio’s world again turned upside down. As he lay on his cot, a guard banged on his cage. “Tarrio, grab your things…you need to go to medical.”  Tarrio asked why, but was met with silence.  At the infirmary, the nurse drew his blood, took his vitals. When Tarrio asked what was happening, the nurse replied “all I know is that you are being moved.”

Tarrio was put in a holding cell for the next 8 hours, his feet in shackles, chains fastened around his waist and leg irons. Next came the handcuffs – his hands cuffed facing opposite directions in the most uncomfortable manner and secured to a chain around his waist.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

The “Black Box” is often reserved for the most dangerous offenders.

Tarrio’s handcuffed hands then were locked in a “black box”. Because he has been deemed “a domestic terrorist”, he can never be moved without his hands first cuffed and then a black box locked over the handcuffs – at times up to eighteen hours with no break. The torture device was designed to keep his already handcuffed hands facing away from each other and numbed. While shackled, he is forced to urinate in plastic soda bottles, unable to scratch his face or wipe his nose when there is an itch…yet another cruel and unusual form of punishment used by the Biden Regime to torment Trump supporters.

“Black boxes are known to inflict unbearable pain and cause muscle spasms that run to the neck even within short periods of time,” according to

The “Black Box” is a form of torture.

This was the beginning of a new type of cruel and unusual torture for Tarrio. Shackled, cuffed, and subjected to the agony of “diesel therapy”—an infamous method of punitive inmate transport—Tarrio found himself on the “Magic Bus Express,” a series of seemingly pointless trips designed to isolate and break him further.

For those that have had to endure this most-inhumane treatment at the hands of the United States Bureau of Prisons, it can only be described as the greatest form of torture that one must endure within the US BOP System. Tarrio was bused from one prison to another, to another, to another, constantly on the move- a total of eleven different prisons in 16 weeks! He did not stop more than 2 to 3 week stops at different/non-sensical waypoints. This cruel and unusual punishment is done to purposely keep a prisoner from getting mail, from speaking with family, media, or friends. Tarrio reported feeling numb, and separated from his own body. “Nothing could bother me,” he told The Gateway Pundit. “I was numb.”

The diesel therapy was also designed to keep Tarrio’s mouth shut in the last months leading up to the 2024 election. A mainstream media news outlet had reached out to do an interview with Tarrio in the months leading up to the election. Tarrio was “advised” by prison higher-ups to deny the interview.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Enrique Tarrio and other prisoners were forced to wear masks in the DC Kangaroo Court, sometimes against their will.

After that incident with the media inquiry, the spiteful Biden Regime sent Tarrio on a four month road trip from hell with complete uncertainty about his next destination or where he could lay his head for the night. He spent months deprived of even the most basic human dignity. He did not get a shower for weeks on end and there were locations where he was not given a toothbrush. He was lucky if he could rinse his mouth with baking soda when a random guard showed him mercy. His own face, covered in a beard he compared to Tom Hank’s in Castaway, was pale, starved and unrecognizable when he caught a glimpse of it in a mirror. He was fed disgusting meals of cancerous soy products and bologna sandwiches when lucky- leading him to lose over 40 pounds from his former athletic frame.

One stop led him to Atlanta, where a guard reportedly punched him in the face while he was shackled—simply for asking where he was being taken.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Former Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio sits near a U.S. Marshal during a hearing at federal court.

This cycle repeated itself over and over and over for the next months. Tarrio figured out that this movement and transportation had no point nor merit – it became obvious that he was being subjected to “DIESEL THERAPY”. Whenever Tarrio arrived at a new location, he was put into the “Shoe” – or solitary confinement for two weeks with no outside recreation. After two weeks the same thing happened to him all over again.  No idea where he was going, or why. Just a repeat of the same process – sometimes a 4-hour trip, sometimes as much at 18 hours.

Based upon the information provided by our source, from September 2024 to the present, Enrique Tarrio traveled from FCI Manchester in Manchester, KY to FCI Atlanta in Atlanta, GA to FCI Butner in Butner, NC to FCI Petersburgh in Hopewell, VA (about an hour outside Washington DC) to FCI Atlanta in Atlanta, GA to the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, OK to Grady County Jail in Chickasha, OK back to Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, OK to FCI Memphis in Memphis, TN to Tallahatchie County Correction in Tutwiler, MS to Grayson County Detention Center in Leitchfield, KY. That is 11 different stops within a 16 week period covering over 3,200 miles of transportation in shackles, chains, and handcuffs with the “Black Box”.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

A map, courtesy of The Gateway Pundit, of Enrique Tarrio’s “diesel therapy” stops.

Often in solitude all by himself, Enrique would occasionally have company – but often it was with unscrupulous characters on some end of the insanity spectrum who would constantly scream and bang on doors trying to get attention that would never come. In one instance, according to our source, when he did have the company of another prisoner, the other prisoner had an epileptic attack. Tarrio tried his best to get the guards’ attention for hours to no avail – all while doing everything to keep his fellow prisoner alive while the guards ignored their screaming.

Despite it all, Enrique refused to give his tormentors the satisfaction of seeing him break. He smiled through the pain, drawing strength from his faith, his family, and the hope that justice would ultimately prevail.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

The Feds tried to get Tarrio to incriminate President Donald Trump in exchange for freedom. He refused.

Justice showed its face in the witching hour between November 5th, 2024 and November 6th, 2024. Lying on the floor of his cell, ear pressed to the bottom of the door, Tarrio listened to faint radio broadcasts reporting the presidential election results. By 1 AM, he knew—it was mathematically impossible for Trump to lose. Hours later in the early morning, a tearful phone call with his mother confirmed the victory. Tarrio described the moment as if his world had gone from black-and-white to vivid color: “I felt like the world finally came back into sanity.”

In a rural Mississippi facility, surrounded by Trump-supporting guards and inmates, chants of “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” echoed through the halls of the prison.

This is Tarrio’s recollection of the night Trump won back the White House:

“We locked down at like 9pm before the good results started coming in. While I was locked down I called out to the officer to turn up the radio in his officer station…so I had to lay on the floor with my ear on the bottom of the door. I heard the results as they were coming in faintly. I asked the officer for updates…by midnight I knew it was mathematically impossible for him to lose. But I stayed listening because the same thing happened in 2020. So superstition kicked in and told me that if I went to sleep…Kamala was going to win and I was going to stay in prison for a very long time. It wasn’t until 5 am that they opened my door and I was able to call my Mom. When I talked to her she couldn’t even talk straight cause she was crying. So it took a while for me to get the man results from her lol. I felt like the colors I was seeing around me changed. Like they got more vivid. I am not even exaggerating. Like the world finally came back into sanity. One word that went through my mind was…oxygen…it is the only way to describe it. It was like my world was black and white and the color came back and I felt cool air through my lungs. The word hope comes to mind.”

The AM guards were just as excited as me. I was in Mississippi in a rural county. The inmates kept congratulating me and went on with chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump.”

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

But the scars remain. Diesel therapy, solitary confinement, and inhumane treatment cannot be undone overnight. The outright rape and pilferage of one’s constitutional and due process rights will be hard to remedy. They may never be undone.

Most of all, the feeling of hopelessness and despair- literally being framed by your own government for an “insurrection” that never happened. Looking down the pipe at 22 years in prison. Feeling like the world had forgotten you.

Enrique Tarrio as a free man.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Enrique Tarrio represents the plight of many January 6th prisoners—individuals labeled “domestic terrorists” and subjected to unprecedented levels of abuse under the Biden Administration’s politicized justice system.

It’s time to end this. It’s time to stand for those like Enrique, to remind them they are not forgotten, and to demand justice for these political prisoners.

As Enrique awaits his freedom, let’s ensure he returns to a world ready to embrace and uplift him. His dream is simple: to fish in the Florida Keys, to skateboard to his favorite café back home in Miami at sunrise, and to rediscover the everyday joys of life.

“I honestly have not had an “outside” dream, even after he (Trump) won,” Tarrio told the Gateway Pundit. “But if you are asking me what I daydream about? Sunbathing on a kayak in the middle of the Florida Keys.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Enrique Tarrio with his mother Zuny.

When the Gateway Pundit asked Tarrio what freedom meant to him his reply was:

“What I now think is freedom might seem strange to other people, my friend. Freedom is being able to select something so simple as what time I wake up. Being able to talk to my family when I want. Grass under bare feet. But…the sun hitting my face again is what I think freedom actually feels like. I have had nothing but the colors of grey and tans under florescent lights. So getting some sun on my face will be unreal.

A perfect day would be turning on the grill in my home backyard with my family, friends, and brothers. Thanking my liberal sister for voting for Trump so I could be freed. Music playing in the background. Dancing. Telling stories. Taking pictures.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Enrique Tarrio’s close-knit family.

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Honestly, I just want to hug my family again. I want to hug my family all night until 5 am. If that is all I get out of this…it’s worth it. Every time they came to visit me and I was hugging them it felt like I was doing something wrong because the officers and guards were just watching us and hurrying us up.”

Now Tarrio dreams of another day when the guards wake him up- this time to the words- “You have been pardoned. You are a free man.”

Tarrio imagines they will give him a razor to shave his year long beard. He will walk out of the darkness into the sunlight, where his mother Zuny will be waiting with his brothers. They will hug as long as they want, with no jail guards to rush them. He will then fly back to Miami, his hands unshackled and free to scratch his head on the plane if it itches. After landing in Miami, he will sleep in his own bed, then wake up early to skateboard to his favorite cafe for a Cuban coffee. Lunch- a bacon wrapped hot dog. Then solitary fishing in the Florida Keys and falling asleep on a kayak. There is no longer a cement cell blocking the sun from his face- the only thing between his face and the sun is a red hat.

It’s the simple things that make America great.

Enrique Tarrio’s dream after pardon.

Here’s to January 2025. With the grace of God, Tarrio will be returned to his family and able to hug them once again.

Visit the GiveSendGo campaign set up by his family to help Enrique rebuild his life. Let him know that America stands with him, and let his story inspire us to fight for freedom—for him, and for us all.

In Enrique’s own words:
“I love my God! I love my Family! I love my Country! And I love my President! May God Bless the USA!”

Enrique Tarrio is praying for a pardon. Help him rebuild his destroyed life by donating HERE.

Tarrio as a free man before his persecution by the Biden Regime.

Remember, in the end God wins.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

The post EXCLUSIVE! Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio Speaks to The Gateway Pundit – Is Still Being Tortured by the Spiteful Biden Regime! Read Our Update Here! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.