Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission.

Please remember Gold Star Mother and Election Whistleblower Tina Peters is in prison this Thanksgiving for uncovering election corruption in Colorado.

While many of us are celebrating President Trump’s massive and historic win in the 2024 election, Tina Peters is not so fortunate.

This Thanksgiving a friend and regular visitor of Tina’s support group shared this information on Tina’s situation.

Tina changed cells again yesterday. She is now on the top bunk 2 ft away from an industrial fluorescent light fixture with no ladder to access the top. (See picture above.)

Her new cellmate reportedly talks nonstop.

Tina recently had to change cells because of – Potatoes.

The top was served to her for dinner on the 25th. The bottom are potatoes Tina reportedly “burned” in the microwave and was punished by being fired from her job as “pod worker” and forced to move cells.

According to Tina’s friend and regular visitor:

There is a nasty group of inmates who are reveling in her “punishment”. Quite frankly, the mopping was really hard on Tina with that job. But it is a coveted position and the evil ones are thrilled and gossiping away about her “demise”.

She was put on Lockdown that day for 16 hours in her cell. We are thankful it was only for one day!

She is strong but these daily “hits” of drama are wearing on her. It is hard to witness.

There are 5 doors between the lobby and the “booths” I visit her in. They are extremely heavy, 2-3″ metal doors. There are no bars in this jail, everything is concrete and heavy metal doors with tiny 4″ wide windows.

Please pray for the appellate judges. Pray the take up her Motion for bond quickly and that they are just which is all we need. Justice will see her home on bond pending the appeal, politics and corruption will see her imprisoned until the appeal is heard…. in 1 to 2 years.

All this is going on while the state ethics board is going after her in a civil case. (More to come on this.)

Tina Peters is a good woman who did her job in protecting her county’s election results. She is being targeted by the Deep State for exposing suspect election result changes after an election in Colorado. Those after her are the real villains.

Pray for Tina Peters.

The post Please Remember Gold Star Mom Tina Peters Who Is Unjustly in Prison This Holiday Weekend appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.