Islamic Assassin Sulaiman Ataee Injured 5 and Killed Police Officer Rouven Laur May 31

Leading German Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger narrowly escaped a prison sentence, where his life would have been in danger, on appeal in Hamburg last Monday. Despite Stürzenberger’s having been the victim of an Islamic knife attack that killed a police officer in May, the Hamburg court sentenced him to a fine of €3600 for criticizing mass Islamic immigration.

In May 2024, an Afghan “refugee” named Sulaiman Ataee attacked and injured Germany’s most prominent Islam critic, Michael Stürzenberger, with a knife and killed police officer Rouven Laur, who had intervened to protect Stürzenberger, in Mannheim, Germany (Gateway reported).

Stürzenberger has been attacked frequently by young Muslims on the street at his lectures and subjected to a spurious lawfare campaign by the German government for ridiculous things like hiding a license plate from Antifa and sharing historical news clippings of Nazis meeting Muslims in WW II.

In September 2022, a Hamburg court sentenced him to six months in prison for allegedly violating Hate Speech laws, which would have put him in mortal peril from Muslim inmates, similiar to Tommy Robinson‘s repeated incarceration as a political prisoner in the UK.

On appeal Monday, November 25, the prison sentence was converted to a fine, sparing Stürzenberger the risk of being attacked in prison by Muslim inmates.

Nevertheless, he now has a guilty verdict for Hate Speech on his record.

All other scurrilous charges against him had been struck down on appeal to date.

Speaking to Zara Riffler of, Stürzenberger explained the charges against him. For example, he criticized German migration policy: “To be honest, yes, what is going on there is really a first-class scam, yes. We have nothing against granting asylum to those who are really politically persecuted. But that is, that is the very least of those who are entering our country in mass numbers with a wave of migration, supported by people smugglers. And quite a few of them are also committing crimes!” Stürzenberger said that many criminals were “Muslims from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, North Africa.” “People, and I’ll tell you one thing: I have never heard of a single Christian refugee who has committed a crime here.”

He also criticized the increase in sexual crimes against women committed by immigrants from politically Islamic countries. And he spoke about New Year’s Eve in Cologne. He said: “1,000 cases of rape by Muslims from North Africa and Arabia. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. People, it happens. That doesn’t mean that all Muslims do it. You know, the problem is who deals with it, and Muslims from fundamentalist Islamic countries don’t just deal with it, they grow up with it. It’s their culture, it’s their zeitgeist, it’s what society prescribes.”

For example, he said the following about political Islam: “Because that is the program of political Islam: to get women under control.” Or: “We will not allow women in Germany who walk around scantily clad to become fair game for fundamentalist Muslims who see them as fair game. And there are hundreds of rapes! We are not saying that every Muslim rapes, for God’s sake” (translation by Gates of Vienna).

Stürzenberger is relieved not to have to go to prison but currently avoids public appearances because he has realized the German authorities will not protect his life against the numerous death threats he receives.

Stürzenberger has to parse his words carefully in Germany, and speaks of “political Islam” rather than Islam or Islamism, to avoid running afoul of hate speech laws. He also takes pains to stress his criticism does not apply to all Muslims. Still, it wasn’t enough to spare him a guilty verdict last Monday.

“Everyone should be very careful how they express themselves. One should always differentiate and speak of political Islam. My criticism is only directed against the dangerous components of the ideology and those radicals who commit acts of violence as a result of it. Of course, it is not directed against all Muslims, as many are modern, value our democratic society, and respect our values and laws,” Stürzenberger said.

Only recently did Michael Stürzenberger find out the German authorities were aware of plans to kill him as early as 2023. The German FBI (BKA) was aware that an Egyptian Islamist named Tarik S. was planning an attack on his events buit did not inform him.

“The scandalous thing about this is that they did NOT inform me. If we had found out, we would have behaved differently, we would have been much more cautious,” Stürzenberger said.

Not a single mainstream German politician has expressed support or sympathy for Michael Stürzenberger.


The post Woke Germany: Michael Stürzenberger, Nearly Killed by Islamic Assassin, Fined for Criticizing Islamic Assassins appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.